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Hi there! I'm Taina Avozani, and I invite you to join me on a journey of exploring and learning. If you believe in growing together through shared knowledge, this is your new safe place.

For All Kinds of Boss Ladies

If you've ever thought about how you would be as a Boss Lady, but got turned off by the image of a Business woman wearing a suit, or didn't think you were strong enough, people would not respect you as a young boss, you didn't fit society's expectations of a lady...Well, you might already be a Boss Lady and you don't even know

Who's Taina Avozani?

The Unusual Boss Lady's image

Authentic Stories

Dive into my world through personal stories, and experiences. I write about achievements I am proud of, my journey growing up In Brazil and moving to the US, life mistakes, ambitions, dreams, my past, future and everything in between.

The Unusual Boss Lady's image

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Expect articles that provoke thought, explore new ideas, explain something unique or just random stuff.

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